Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

Program Kalkulator Swing

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.* ;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane ;
import java.io.*;

public class BasicCalc extends JFrame
implements ActionListener {

private JButton bOne, bTwo, bThree, bFour, bFive,
bSix, bSeven, bEight, bNine, bZero, bExit,
bMult, bDiv, bSub, bPlus, bEquals, bHelp,
bAbout, bDecPt, bClear ;
private JTextField enterBox ;
private JPanel textPanel, exitPanel, buttonPanel, functionPanel ;
private Container c ;
private Font font;
private String firstNum = new String(""), secondNum = new String(""), tempNum, tempStr ;
private boolean myDiag = false, result = false ,
tempfirstNumSet = false, firstNumSet = false, secondNumSet = false,
pendingOp = false ;
private double aNum, dNum1 = 0.0, dNum2 = 0.0 , answer = 0.0,
tempD = 0.0 , minusOne = -1.0 ;
private double dArray[] = new double[ 10 ] ;
private int opCode = -1, tempInt = 0, tempInt2 = 0,
dArrayPtr = 0, pendingOpCode = -1 ;

public BasicCalc() {

super( "Basic Calculator" );
setup() ;

setSize( 350, 300 ); /** sets the size of the frame */
setLocation( 200, 200 ) ; /** sets the location of the frame on the screen*/
show(); /** makes the frame visible */

public void setup() {
c = getContentPane() ;

/** setup the text field used on the calculator frame */
setUpTextField() ;

/** setup button Panel and the number buttons */
setUpButtons() ;

/** setup function panel and its buttons*/
setUpFunctionPanel() ;

/** setup exit panel and its buttons */
setUpExitPanel() ;

/** setup Action Listeners */
setUpActionListener() ;

public void setUpTextField() {
/** setup text field and panel */
enterBox = new JTextField( 15 ) ;
enterBox.setText( "0" );
firstNumSet = true ;
enterBox.setEditable( false );
enterBox.setBackground( Color.white );
enterBox.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT );
/** this code reprimes the enterbox and avoids exceptions */
new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyPressed ( KeyEvent e ) {
/* if ( result ) {
MyPrint( "The value of result is " + result +
"this is from the enterbox keylistener." );
result = false ;
enterBox.setText( "0" );
} */
textPanel = new JPanel() ;
textPanel.add(enterBox ) ;

c.add( textPanel , BorderLayout.NORTH ) ;

public void setUpButtons() {
buttonPanel = new JPanel() ;
c.add( buttonPanel , BorderLayout.CENTER ) ;

bZero = new JButton( "0" ) ;
bZero.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 16 ) );
bOne = new JButton( "1" ) ;
bTwo = new JButton( "2" ) ;
bThree = new JButton( "3" ) ;
bFour = new JButton( "4" ) ;
bFive = new JButton( "5" ) ;
bSix = new JButton( "6" ) ;
bSeven = new JButton( "7" ) ;
bEight = new JButton( "8" ) ;
bNine = new JButton( "9" ) ;
bExit = new JButton( "Exit" ) ;
bClear = new JButton( "Clear" ) ;
bClear.setBackground( Color.blue ) ;
bClear.setForeground( Color.white );
bMult = new JButton( "*" ) ;
bMult.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 20 ) );
bMult.setBackground( Color.blue ) ;
bMult.setForeground( Color.white );
bDiv = new JButton( "/" ) ;
bDiv.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 20 ) );
bDiv.setBackground( Color.blue ) ;
bDiv.setForeground( Color.white );
bSub = new JButton( "-" ) ;
bSub.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 24 ) );
bSub.setBackground( Color.blue ) ;
bSub.setForeground( Color.white );
bPlus = new JButton( "+" ) ;
bPlus.setBackground( Color.blue ) ;
bPlus.setForeground( Color.white );

bEquals = new JButton( "=" ) ;
bEquals.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 16 ) );
bEquals.setBackground( Color.red ) ;
bEquals.setForeground( Color.white );
bDecPt = new JButton( "." ) ;
bDecPt.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 22 ) );

/** add the following buttons to the buttonPanel panel. */
buttonPanel.add( bSeven ) ;
buttonPanel.add( bEight ) ;
buttonPanel.add( bNine ) ;

buttonPanel.add( bFour ) ;
buttonPanel.add( bFive ) ;
buttonPanel.add( bSix ) ;
buttonPanel.add( bOne ) ;
buttonPanel.add( bTwo ) ;
buttonPanel.add( bThree ) ;

buttonPanel.add( bZero ) ;
buttonPanel.add( bDecPt ) ;
buttonPanel.add( bEquals ) ;

buttonPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( 5, 3, 5, 5 ) );

public void setUpActionListener() {
bDecPt.addActionListener( this );
bZero.addActionListener( this );
bOne.addActionListener( this );
bTwo.addActionListener( this );
bThree.addActionListener( this );
bFour.addActionListener( this );
bFive.addActionListener( this );
bSix.addActionListener( this );
bSeven.addActionListener( this );
bEight.addActionListener( this );
bNine.addActionListener( this );
bExit.addActionListener( this );
bMult.addActionListener( this );
bDiv.addActionListener( this );
bSub.addActionListener( this );
bPlus.addActionListener( this );
bEquals.addActionListener( this );
bClear.addActionListener( this );

bExit.addActionListener( this );
bHelp.addActionListener( this );
bAbout.addActionListener( this );

public void setUpFunctionPanel() {

functionPanel = new JPanel() ;
c.add( functionPanel , BorderLayout.EAST ) ;
functionPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( 6, 1, 5, 3 ) );

functionPanel.add( bMult ) ;
functionPanel.add( bDiv ) ;
functionPanel.add( bSub ) ;
functionPanel.add( bPlus ) ;
functionPanel.add( bClear ) ;

public void setUpExitPanel() {
exitPanel = new JPanel() ;
c.add( exitPanel , BorderLayout.SOUTH ) ;
bExit = new JButton( "Exit" ) ;
bExit.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 16 ) );
bExit.setBackground( Color.red ) ;
bExit.setForeground( Color.white );
bHelp = new JButton( "Help" ) ;
bHelp.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 16 ) );
bHelp.setBackground( Color.blue ) ;
bHelp.setForeground( Color.white );
bAbout = new JButton( "About" ) ;
bAbout.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 14 ) );
bAbout.setBackground( Color.darkGray ) ;
bAbout.setForeground( Color.white );

/** add the following buttons to the exitPanel panel. */
exitPanel.add( bExit ) ;
exitPanel.add( bHelp ) ;
exitPanel.add( bAbout ) ;


public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {

tempNum = "" + answer ;

if ( e.getSource() == bPlus || e.getSource() == bSub ||
e.getSource() == bMult || e.getSource() == bDiv ) {
tempNum = "" + answer ;

MyPrint( "actionPerformed() 1a: The value of result is " + result +
" The value of tempNum is " + enterBox.getText() +
" The value of opCode is " + opCode ) ;

if ( result ) {
/** If result =s true, set the text field to blank */
MyPrint( "actionPerformed() 1b: The value of result is " + result +
"The value of tempNum is " + enterBox.getText()
result = false ;
enterBox.setText( "" );

if ( !pendingOp && opCode == 99 ) {
/** If opCode =s 99, then the =s button was pressed */
MyPrint( "actionPerformed() 1c: The value of opCode is " + opCode +
" The value of firstNum is " + firstNum +
" The value of tempNum is " + tempNum );
pendingOpCode = -1 ;
//opCode = -1 ;
firstNumSet = true ;
firstNum = tempNum ;
enterBox.setText( "" );

if ( e.getSource() == bDecPt ) {
MyPrint( "The decimal point button was pressed." );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "." ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bZero ) {
MyPrint( "The zero button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "0" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bOne ) {
MyPrint( "The one button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "1" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bTwo ) {
MyPrint( "The two button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "2" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bThree ) {
MyPrint( "The Three button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp);
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "3" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bFour ) {
MyPrint( "The Four button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "4" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bFive ) {
MyPrint( "The Five button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "5" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bSix ) {
MyPrint( "The Six button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "6" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bSeven ) {
MyPrint( "The Seven button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "7" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bEight ) {
MyPrint( "The Eight button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "8" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bNine ) {
MyPrint( "The Nine button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "9" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bExit ) {
MyPrint( "The Exit button was pressed." );
sysExit() ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bMult ) {
MyPrint( "The Mult button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
multOp() ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bDiv ) {
MyPrint( "The Div button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
divOp() ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bSub ) {
MyPrint( "The Sub button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
subOp() ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bPlus ) {
MyPrint( "The Plus button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
plusOp() ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bClear ) {
MyPrint( "The bClear button was pressed." );
enterBox.setText( "" ) ;
firstNum = "" ;
firstNumSet = true ;
secondNum = "" ;
answer = 0.0 ;
dNum1 = 0.0 ;
dNum2 = 0.0 ;
opCode = -1 ;
pendingOpCode = -1 ;
pendingOp = false ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bEquals ) {
MyPrint( "bEquals 1: The Equals button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp +
" The opCode value is " + opCode );
if ( pendingOpCode >= 0 || pendingOpCode <= 3 ) {
MyPrint( "bEquals 2: In pendingOpCode =s " + pendingOpCode ) ;
pendingOp = true ;
opCodeMethod() ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bHelp ) {
MyPrint( "The Help button was pressed." );
File hd = new File("BasicCalc_help_doc.html");
//File net = new File("Netscp.exe");
String helpStr = hd.getAbsolutePath() ;
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
/* String[] callAndArgs = { "c:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\IExplore.exe" ,
"" +
E:\MyExamples\SimpleCalc\Calc\help_doc.html }; */
String[] callAndArgs = { "c:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\IExplore.exe" ,
"" + helpStr };

try {

Process child = rt.exec( callAndArgs );
MyPrint ("Process exit code is: " +
catch(IOException e2) {
MyPrint (
"IOException starting process!");
catch(InterruptedException e3) {
"Interrupted waiting for process!");
else if ( e.getSource() == bAbout ) {
MyPrint( "The About button was pressed." );
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
String[] callAndArgs = { "c:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\IExplore.exe" ,
"http://sumtotalz.com/TotalAppsWorks/index.html " };
try {
Process child = rt.exec(callAndArgs);
MyPrint ("Process exit code is: " +
catch(IOException e2) {
MyPrint( "IOException starting process!");
catch(InterruptedException e3) {
MyPrint( "Interrupted waiting for process!");


public void setResults() {
MyPrint( "setResults() 1: answer is " + answer + " dNum1 is " + dNum1 );

enterBox.setText( "" + answer );
firstNum = "" + answer ;
dNum1 = answer;
firstNumSet = true ;
result = true ;
pendingOp = false ;

public void opCodeMethod() {
int currentOpCode = -1 , tempOpCode = opCode ;
boolean temppendingOp = pendingOp ;

MyPrint( "opCodeMethod() 1: with an opCode of " + opCode );

/** Check if there is a pending operation that must
* be performed before the current operation is
* performed. */
if ( pendingOp ) {
MyPrint( "opCodeMethod() 2: with an opCode of " + opCode +
" and a pendingOpCode =s " + pendingOpCode );
currentOpCode = pendingOpCode ;
pendingOp = false ;
else {
currentOpCode = opCode ;
MyPrint( "opCodeMethod() 2b: with an opCode of " + opCode ) ;

switch ( currentOpCode ) {
case 0 :
multOp() ;
break ;
case 1 :
divOp() ;
break ;
case 2 :
MyPrint( "opCodeMethod() 3: opCode =s " + currentOpCode ) ;
subOp() ;
break ;
case 3 :
MyPrint( "opCodeMethod() 4: opCode =s " + currentOpCode ) ;
plusOp() ;
break ;
case 5 :
//powerOp() ;
break ;
default :
MyPrint( "opCodeMethod() 7: default case is " + currentOpCode );
setResults() ;
firstNumSet = true ;
secondNum = "0.0" ;
dNum2 = 0.0 ;
pendingOp = false ;
opCode = 99 ;
MyPrint( "opCodeMethod() 8: Case default: firstNum =s " + firstNum);
break ;

MyPrint( "opCodeMethod() 9: pendingOpCode =s " + pendingOpCode +
" pendingOp " + pendingOp );

pendingOpCode = tempOpCode ;
pendingOp = temppendingOp ;

if ( !( opCode == 99 ) )
opCode = -1 ;


public void multOp() {
opCode = 0 ;

MyPrint( "multOp() 1a: The opcode value is " + opCode +
" The value of firstNum is " + firstNum +
" The value of answer is " + answer ) ;

if ( pendingOpCode == 0 ) {
secondNum = enterBox.getText() ;
if ( secondNum.equals( "" ) ) {
secondNum = "0.0" ;
convertNumsToDouble() ;
answer = dNum1 * dNum2 ;
pendingOp = false ;
setResults() ;
MyPrint( "multOp() 2: opCode is " + opCode + " The value of answer is " + answer );
secondNum = "0.0" ;
opCode = -1 ;

else if ( pendingOpCode >= 1 ) {
MyPrint( "multOp() 2a: In pendingOpCode =s " + pendingOpCode ) ;
pendingOp = true ;
opCodeMethod() ;
else if ( opCode == 0 ) {
MyPrint( "multOp() 3: In pendingOp code. The opcode value is " + opCode ) ;
firstNum = enterBox.getText() ;
if ( secondNum.equals( "" ) ) {
secondNum = "0.0" ;
opCode = 0 ;
pendingOp = false ;
pendingOpCode = 0 ;
MyPrint( "multOp() 5: opCode is " + opCode + " The value of answer is " + answer );
opCode = -1 ;
result = true ;
MyPrint( "multOp() 4: pendingOpCode is " + pendingOpCode + " The value of answer is " + answer );


public void divOp() {
MyPrint( "divOp() 1a: opCode is " + opCode + " firstNumSet =s " + firstNumSet +
" pendingOpCode =s " + pendingOpCode );
opCode = 1 ;

MyPrint( "divOp() 1b: The opcode value is " + opCode +
" The value of firstNum is " + firstNum +
" The value of answer is " + answer ) ;

if ( pendingOpCode == 1 ) {
secondNum = enterBox.getText() ;
if ( secondNum.equals( "" ) ) {
secondNum = "0.0" ;
convertNumsToDouble() ;
if ( dNum1 == 0.0 ) {
answer = dNum1 ;
else if ( dNum2 == 0.0 ) {
answer = dNum1 ;
setResults() ;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The number " +
dNum2 + " cannot be used as a denometer.\n" +
"You cannot divide by zero.",
"Attempted to Divide by Zero",
else {
answer = dNum1 / dNum2 ;
pendingOp = false ;
setResults() ;
MyPrint( "divOp() 2: opCode is " + opCode + " The value of answer is " + answer );
secondNum = "0.0" ;
opCode = -1 ;
else if ( pendingOpCode == 0 || pendingOpCode == 2 || pendingOpCode == 3 ) {
MyPrint( "divOp() 2a: In pendingOpCode =s " + pendingOpCode ) ;
pendingOp = true ;
opCodeMethod() ;
else if ( opCode == 1 ) {
MyPrint( "divOp() 3: In pendingOp code. The opcode value is " + opCode ) ;
firstNum = enterBox.getText() ;
if ( secondNum.equals( "" ) ) {
secondNum = "0.0" ;
opCode = 1 ;
pendingOp = false ;
pendingOpCode = 1 ;
opCode = -1 ;
result = true ;
MyPrint( "divOp() 4: pendingOpCode is " + pendingOpCode +
" The value of answer is " + answer );


public void subOp() {
opCode = 2 ;

MyPrint( "subOp() 1a: The opcode value is " + opCode +
" The value of firstNum is " + firstNum +
" The value of answer is " + answer +
" pendingOpCode =s " + pendingOpCode ) ;

if ( pendingOpCode == 2 ) {
secondNum = enterBox.getText() ;
if ( secondNum.equals( "" ) ) {
secondNum = "0.0" ;
convertNumsToDouble() ;
answer = dNum1 - dNum2 ;
pendingOp = false ;
setResults() ;
MyPrint( "subOp() 2: opCode is " + opCode + " The value of answer is " + answer );
secondNum = "0.0" ;
opCode = -1 ;

else if ( pendingOpCode == 0 || pendingOpCode == 1 || pendingOpCode == 3 ) {
MyPrint( "subOp() 2a: In pendingOpCode =s " + pendingOpCode ) ;
pendingOp = true ;
opCodeMethod() ;
else if ( opCode == 2 ) {
MyPrint( "subOp() 3: In pendingOp code. The opcode value is " + opCode ) ;
firstNum = enterBox.getText() ;
if ( secondNum.equals( "" ) ) {
secondNum = "0.0" ;
// convertNumsToDouble() ;
// answer = dNum1 - dNum2 ;
pendingOp = true ;
pendingOpCode = 2 ;
opCode = 2 ;
result = true ;
MyPrint( "subOp() 4: pendingOpCode is " + pendingOpCode +
" The value of answer is " + answer );

ublic void plusOp() {
opCode = 3 ;

MyPrint( "plusOp() 1a: The opcode value is " + opCode +
" The value of firstNum is " + firstNum +
" The value of answer is " + answer ) ;

if ( pendingOpCode == 3 ) {
secondNum = enterBox.getText() ;
if ( secondNum.equals( "" ) ) {
secondNum = "0.0" ;
convertNumsToDouble() ;
answer = dNum1 + dNum2 ;
pendingOp = false ;
setResults() ;
MyPrint( "plusOp() 2: opCode is " + opCode + " The value of answer is " + answer );
secondNum = "0.0" ;
opCode = -1 ;

else if ( pendingOpCode == 0 || pendingOpCode == 1 || pendingOpCode == 2 ) {
MyPrint( "plusOp() 3: In pendingOpCode =s " + pendingOpCode ) ;
pendingOp = true ;
opCodeMethod() ;
else if ( opCode == 3 ) {
MyPrint( "plusOp() 4: In pendingOp code. The opcode value is " + opCode ) ;
firstNum = enterBox.getText() ;
if ( secondNum.equals( "" ) ) {
secondNum = "0.0" ;
opCode = 3 ;
pendingOp = false ;
pendingOpCode = 3 ;
MyPrint( "plusOp() 5: opCode is " + opCode + " The value of answer is " + answer );
opCode = -1 ;
result = true ;


public void convertNumsToDouble() {
if ( !firstNum.equals( "" ) ) {
dNum1 = Double.parseDouble( firstNum ) ;
if ( !secondNum.equals( "" ) ) {
dNum2 = Double.parseDouble( secondNum ) ;
MyPrint( "convertNumsToDouble(): The value of dNum1 is " + dNum1 );
MyPrint( "convertNumsToDouble(): The value of dNum2 is " + dNum2 );


public void sysExit() {
System.exit( 0 );


public void MyPrint( String str ) {
if ( myDiag )
System.out.println( str );


public static void main( String args[] ) {

final BasicCalc app = new BasicCalc () ; /** creates an instance of MyCalc */

new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
app.sysExit() ;



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